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Saturday 20 August 2011

If the shoe fits...

Amongst my circle of friends and family I have never been know for the most sensible of wardrobe choices, and so I want to share with you now a few of my favourite shoe malfunctions...
Not long into my relationship with hubby we booked up a holiday together for a week in Corfu, you know the drill 'sun, sea and shoes'. I didn't enter into the realm of 'couples who holiday' lightly. An avid Cosmopolitan reader at the time I felt I had a plethora of advice at my fingertips to prepare me for our first major holiday as a couple. I knew what an important milestone it was in relationship status, return from you first holiday together still talking and you were set for life.
Naturally the first thing you need to do is put some serious consideration into wardrobe choice. The great thing about a holiday where you are guaranteed great weather is that you can easily pack twice as much because your clothes are guaranteed to be 50% smaller. This left plenty of room for a range of footwear from sexy stilettos for the evening, funky flip-flops for the day and a range of wedges to accommodate the transition times. I was the ultimate girl scout, prepared for every eventuality.
Once in Corfu  we were in perfect new couple mode, we immediately agreed on some compromises, I could have the morning by the pool sunbathing if hubby could spend the afternoon checking out the local history. And so it was a few days into the break when I found myself walking round some ancient Greek ruins on an organised tour-wearing 6inch wedge heels!
I'm sure you're all familiar with those annoying tour guides, the people with unusually poor speaking voices that think that by waving a clipboard or yellow umbrella in your direction guarantees automatic superiority. The kind who insist on "pressing on" despite your loud comments to your partner such as "wow, this is really interesting, I wish we could spend longer looking at this" (or even "please clipboard man let me rest before my 6inch cork wedge heels with a dark blue denim strap cripple me!"). Well let me tell you, those guys can keep up a pace.
Imagine the perilous uneven grounds (couldn't the groundsman keep these ruins a bit tidier?), the hot, foot blistering sun bearing down on you and the multitude of loose stones just eager to cause you an ankles sprain. Combine that with a tour guide on a mission and you can see why I struggled to keep up. My formerly tanned and toned legs, demurely tipped in fabulous shoes could only be compared to a baby giraffe struggling to walk in stilts. And so on our first holiday I managed to unveil my natural clumsiness and lack of co-ordination to hubby, but did I learn from this mistake? Check my next blog to hear the next enthralling episode of shoe malfunctions!

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